Human Single-Unit Meeting Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge the support we have received from our sponsors that make this meeting possible.
We are grateful for the following support:
(1.) Primary Gold Sponsor: Neuralynx Inc.
Neuralynx, Inc.
Bozeman, MT
ATLAS Neurophysiology System: Bridging the Research-Clinical Gap. Used in top-50 hospitals worldwide, Neuralynx’s ATLAS Neurophysiology System is the only DC capable, high-density EEG, EcOG and Human Single Unit solution. Operates as a research LTM while providing full clinical compatibility as a stand-alone system or in parallel with existing clinical systems. Decades of innovation, loyal support of worldwide partners, and the drive to improve people’s lives -- that’s why over 700 animal and clinical research labs choose Neuralynx.
(2.) Silver Sponsor: Blackrock Microsystems Inc.
(3.) Bronze Sponsor: PMT Corporation